Tuesday, June 07, 2005


A book meme now...

Have been tagged for book meme now and I swear now - no more of these. Can't remember one person's favourites from another! Annie tagged me (almost in revenge eh?) so here goes:

Total Number of Books I Own: Some in one cupboard, some more in place of clothes, some under my bed, some out in the hall and some which my mum gave away.. and do I include the ones owned by dad? No number coz it forever changes!

Last Book I Bought: The Hungry Tide by Amitava Ghosh and Tokyo Cancelled By Rana Dasgupta

Last Book I Read: White Mughals by William Dalrymple - a long tiresome read which seems to make no new point really! Its even taking me time to write down what I thought about the book.

Five Books That Mean A Lot To Me: I just cannot contain them down to five.. its too small a number...will try and keep it in a single digit.

Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins - my first Tom Robbins. Totally loved his acerbic style and picked up half a dozen of his others. None of others I have read so far lived up to this one but I still look at a beetroot and think of immortality wistfully.

The Five Run Away Together (of Enid Blyton's Famous Five series number 3 I think) - it was one of most memorable ones to me because they ran away to Kirrin Island and played house in what read like perfect settings.

The Great Indian Novel by Shashi Tharoor - His only book worth mentioning and never again can u read the Mahabharata without thinking about this fabulous satire.

The Faraway Tree series again by Enid Blyton - May be I should just include ALL her books here.

How To Eat by Nigella Lawson - one of the primary reasons I got interested in writing about food. Its much more than a ready reckoner.

India Unbound by Gurcharan Das - A superb walk down memory lane.

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand - a much more palatable Rand here and the title kinda still fascinates me.

LOTR by Tolkein - Dont know if I can write much by way praise but love reading it over and over again.

Tag Five People And Ask Them To Do This On Their Blogs: Most people I know have done this and those who have not, wont so no point...

come to thin of it - your favourties are very close to my own :)
i have no clue why i set down that silly 'gone with the wind'... blah! mush!
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